Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I am still baffled

I walked into Albertsons today for a few items. When you walk in, right there to the left is a clothes rack. Now I understand the concept of this rack. It really is a good idea. You are in the car, you spill something, you need a shirt to get home in but only want to spend $2? Great, lets head to Albertsons. However, when I looked a little closer at this rack, I noticed something strange. There were negligees on the rack! Silky, lacy, sexy lingerie! I could not believe it. So for the rest of my shopping trip I tried to think of reasons why that would be something you pick up at Albertsons. I could not think of any. Instead, this conversation kept rolling around in my head.
Husband: I picked you up something today.
Wife: Oh! I love surprises! (opens the box) Oh!- Wow, thanks. (being polite now, because they really were ugly) Where did you get it?
Husband: Albertsons!
I can hear it now, the silence would be deafening. And the husband would not be getting lucky.

1 comment:

MamaGeph said...

Mmm, Alberton's nighties! Second only to Walmart teddies in the class department. ;)

A great way to scare your neighbors: Buy the cheap Albertson's nightie and put it on your dog. Let the dog out for a while. Also very good for keeping Mormons off of your doorstep.