Saturday, August 30, 2008

Poppin a 'tude

With in the last 30 minutes my son said the following things:

He walked into my bedroom where I was and with after a very exasperated sigh said: "Mommy, I am going friggin nuts!"

A little later he called for me to come to him. I called back that it would be a minute.
"That is not an option Mommy."

I know that he got the last one from me. I have no idea where he got the first one. I do not recall ever saying that phrase in my life, much less in front of him.

One of the great things about having a sibling...

Remember when you were a kid and your mom would tell you to go get your sister? And you would stay right where you were and holler at the top of your lungs for her? And then your mom would give you that annoyed look and say, "that is not what I meant."

Let me set the scene:
In the bathroom; I was trying to take care of business with the door closed; Bear was in the living room playing with cars; Bug was still in bed:

Bear busts into the bathroom and starts telling me what he wants for breakfast.

"Mommy, I want noodles. Mommy, I want cramp juice(cranberry juice). Mommy I want granola bars. Mommy I want pizza. Mommy..." At this point he became more interested in playing with things on the counter and became quiet and Bug started crying.

In an effort to regain some privacy and to get him to stop playing with my make-up, I asked, "will you please go and tell your sister I will be there in a minute?"

Without missing a beat and at the top of his blessed little lungs, "Hey baby sister! Mommy will be there in a minute! Hush now!"

"Ummm honey, you probably could of been a little more kind when you said that."

Stops and looks at me and then turns back around to her direction, "Thank you!" and goes right back to putting on makeup.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Bumbo

Alomst there...

This is how the ABC's go in his head:

And the numbers go something like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23... 16 does not exsist and he just will go on and on with 21 22 and 23.

I try not to laugh when he sings his ABC's, but it really is precious the way he does it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

She has her daddy's eyes...

Literally. I don't know how many time I have seen him give me this look and it sent chills down my spine yesterday when she did this. The raised eyebrow, the squinty eyes, the pursed lips. She is Daddy's girl...
Pretty in pink...
I love baby foot shots!