Monday, October 12, 2009

My gray hairs

can be blamed on my daughter. She has no fear. No sense of danger. Today at the park she was climbing up things on the play equiptment that Bear still won't climb up. She was climbing up to the top and going down the twisty slide by herself. She tried to run right into the creek. She would stand at the top of this thing that was at least six feet high and start to step off.
We got home and she was hanging over the edge of the Learning Tower I bought so that they could stand at the counter with me safely. Ha. She leaned so far over that she was parrallel with the ground and balancing in that position. I flew across the kitchen to try to stop her but she still fell forward and landed on her head.
I am going to have a heart attack before I am 30.


Heather said...

I feel for you - fearless kids should come with a warning label so we can be better prepared! But she sure is cute ;)

Unknown said...

I will pray for her safety! angels and hedges of protection around that little monkey!!

MamaGeph said...

Time to superglue bubble wrap to every surface of your home. Or her...

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, that'll do it! ;)