Tuesday, September 22, 2009


She has started saying more and more words lately.
Here are some of my favorites:
Bookbooka (book) This is so funny when she says it
Goo guwl (good girl) This one she runs around behind Bear saying "goo guwl Oah"
Baybay (baby) She loves her babies
Daw (dog)
Dut (duck)
K-at (cat) phonetically she has got it down! :)

This child has the determination and stubbornness of her name sake, my grandma. Yesterday we were playing in the backyard. And in the backyard are two lawn chairs, you know the kind that have that rubbery plastic bands that leave the indentation of your butt when you get up? The kind that the slats are two inches apart so that when you sit on them it looks like something from a playdough factory gone wrong, with your butt fat squishing out all over the place. Anyways she kept wanting to sit in them even though there is a chair that she can climb in and she won't fall through. But no, she needed to know she could do it. She took turns with the chairs climbing into them and getting different parts of her body stuck in it, sometimes a leg, sometimes an arm, sometimes an arm and a leg. A couple of times she fell and bonked her head. And each time I would take her off the chair and encourage her to go play in the grass. And each time she would go back to the chair I was not standing in front of and try all over again. After 15 minutes of trying to get up and sit down on a chair, she finally did it. She sat down on the edge, swung her feet back and forth a few times, gave me a big proud smile, and got down and ran off.

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