Thursday, August 23, 2007

Before I lose all my friends...

I realized tonight that all I ever talk about is my dogs and sons bodily functions. I saw a couple of friends tonight at the farmers market and for some reason I felt the need to tell them about Duke and his ailments which include a staph infection and mommy induced barf. It seems to be all I talk about anymore. Diarrhea, butt rashes, barf, boils on doggie private parts, cat hairballs, snot, pee, and probably some more disgusting stuff. I am sorry for this. If I walk up to you and start a conversation with "I had to make Duke puke tonight because he got into the cream cheese," please stop me. Or if I start talking about diarrhea while we are on the phone and you are trying to eat dinner, please stop me. I can't seem to stop myself. Start a new conversation. Something safe, the weather, politics(if you are brave) or flowers. I feel this pulling need to talk about this disgusting stuff that I would of barfed at before kids and dogs. I apologize to you my friends, you know who you are.

1 comment:

daphne said...

please, you know me by now and that stuff doens't offend me one bit..did you all need to know mattie was on zantac?? Not really but I feel the need to spread the same mommy verbal vomit just change when you become a mommy. I find myself saying to my husband all the time "buck up buddy" it's just barf. love ya girl